Chemical-Suppliers Chemical-Suppliers


ID: CSP940919421955-22
CAS: 2114-42-3
Formula: C9H16

Suppliers - Quick View

Santa Cruz
Hangzhou Dayangchem
= supplier
= supplier of CAS 2114-42-3

Distributors & Manufactures of CAS 2114-42-3


supplier details
Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. Santa Cruz, CA. 95060 USA
Chemos GmbH & Co. KG 84032 Altdorf Germany
Dayang Chem (Hangzhou) Co.,Ltd. Hangzhou City 310012 P.R.China

Possible other providers that we have not checked at the time : Jinan Haohua Industry Co., Ltd. ( Shandong P.R.China ) | Salsbury Chemicals, Inc., ( Charies City, IA, 50616 USA )